SI at commencement

Photo, Video, & Audio Release Forms


The School of Medicine and UCR Health require releases to be signed for all photography, videography, or audio releases. These requirements are covered in School of Medicine Policy 950-02-006.

All subjects participating in the activity must sign the appropriate permission forms, with these forms sent to and maintained by the UCR SOM Compliance Office.

Original copies of all forms should be sent by campus mail to the Office of Compliance. You may also scan the forms and save them as PDFs.

Large Scale Event Photos and Videos

In the case of recordings made at School of Medicine and UCR Health events where no protected health information will be shared and where it would be unreasonable to get individual permission forms from all participants, event organizers should make a general statement, either in writing prior to the event or by using signage or verbally during the event, about recording taking place and inform individuals how they can opt out from participation.