Sponsorship Requests
The UCR School of Medicine sponsors a select number of events that are strongly aligned with its mission. All requests are vetted to ensure that the sponsorship opportunity will make a positive impact on our communities.
A sponsorship is defined as direct financial or in-kind support for special events, and may include (though is not limited to) nonprofit agency fundraisers (breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, walk/run), speakers series/lectures, health fairs, or other community outreach efforts that closely align with the UCR SOM mission, vision and strategic plan.
The application form is available below. Right click on the link to save the file to your computer, which will allow you to edit the fillable form fields.
Application and Selection Process
Requests for sponsorship must be provided in writing, preferably six weeks prior to the event, to Manager of External Relations & Protocol Kate Dorff in Strategic Initiatives or call (951) 827-7794 with any questions.
Approval of the sponsorship will be signed-off on by the chief of staff to the dean and the dean and may require approval from the provost and/or the chancellor.
Criteria for Consideration
The request must comply with university financial and accounting policies and promote one or more of the following:
- UCR SOM Principles of Community and Engagement
Academic preparation, collaborative partnerships, community development, government relations, health promotion and outreach. - Marketing
Align with organizational positioning and current focus areas, appropriateness of target audience, potential to increase awareness, name recognition or new patient volume. - Advancement
Fostering extramural support, stewarding current donors, cultivating new sources of future philanthropic support, supporting funders’ initiatives.
Payment Process
- Submit the approved Sponsorship Request Form and all attachments.
- Submit the Transmittal Letter to organization signed by dean.
- Submit any pre-approvals, if applicable.
- Submit via the ticketing system or drop in mail bag to SOM Business Operations.