Travel and Entertainment (T&E) Card Reference Guide
Pre-Trip Requests Must Be Submitted And Approved in Concur Prior to Using the T&E Card
- Select Concur from R’ Space
- Select Requests on the front page.
- Enter trip details, estimated expenses for trip, and COA.
- Trip must be approved prior to purchase of expenses.
- Email notification of approval from Concur system will be sent, or check Concur for updates.
Only Appropriate Expenses Are Allowed to Be Purchased on T&E Card
- Business expenses, including air and auto transportation, hotel, and meals are allowed.
- Do not purchase office supplies or furniture.
- For list of allowable expenses see T&E Card Payment Matrix
Lodging and M&IE Reimbursement Cap
- See Appendix B UC Travel Policy G-28
- Daily meal limit of $79 applies (Continental USA). As a reminder, this amount includes the cost of food and beverages, labor, sales tax, service, and delivery charges.
- Be cautious of charged transactions that can be posted to the next day, this will affect the daily amount for the day.
Expense Reports
- Once an expense has been charged to the T&E card and the amount is reflected in Concur, the travel expense report can be created (from the Approved Pre-Trip Request). The expense(s) can now be linked to the expense report. This would stop reoccurring email notifications that indicate there are unassigned T&E credit card transactions that need to be assigned.
- For example, this can happen if a registration is paid 2 months in advance and the expense report has not been created yet. In this case, the traveler would create an expense report and assign the registration as part of the report and not submit it until the trip has concluded.
- The statement cycle closes on the 25th of each month.
- Business Expenses that are charged to university funds must be reported within 30 days of the trip or completion date.
Personal Expense(s) Charged to T&E Card
In the event, a personal expense is charged to the T&E card, follow the steps below:
- Create a pre-trip request for the expense.
- Enter header details including:
- Request type: Travel Request
- Trip Name: Personal non reimbursable
- Traveler Type: Employee
- Trip Purpose: Other Purpose (Comment Required)
- Business Purpose/Additional Information: “Personal expense”
- Business Travel Start and Ends Dates: Enter date of transaction
- Will this trip include personal travel? Yes
- Payment Option: EFT
- Org: (ORG40) School of Medicine
- Accountability Structure: D01059 Biomedical Sciences
- Approver ID: Isaac Owusu-Frimpong
- Enter COA as follows:
Entity: 1511, Fund: 19900, Activity: A01106, Function: 40, Program: Default, Project: Default, Flex 1: Default, Flex 2: T and E Card Holder’s associated code
- Enter COA as follows:
- Comment: Enter details of what was charged, and cardholder will pay back UCR.
- Add Expected Expenses:
- Select Other Expenses
- Business Travel Date: Enter transaction date
- Comment: “Personal expense”
- Submit Report
- Once the pre-trip is approved, an expense report can be created.
- Navigate to the approved pre-trip Request and select it.
- Create an expense report.
- Complete the report header.
- Add two expense lines (note: one line will already be generated from T&E Card transaction):
- Select Add Expense
- Select Available Expenses (this will show all charges on T&E card that have not been applied to an expense report)
- Search for the transaction and check the box
- Select add to the report and edit the line.
- Indicate the following for first expense line: Expense type: Personal/Non-Reimbursable, Purpose: Other Purpose (Comment Required), Payment type: T&E card, Vendor Details: Will populate from Concur, Business Purpose/Additional Information: “Personal”
- Add a second line
- Indicate the following for second expense line: Expense type: Amounts owed to UCR, Transaction Date: Date of charge, Purpose: Other Purpose (Comment Required), Payment Type: Incurred by User, Amount: Enter amount of transaction (this will be paid to the cashier’s office), Business Purpose/Additional Information: Personal expenses- will pay UCR
- Write a check with the amount to the UC and attach a copy to the expense line for proof of payment.
- Make check payable to “UC Regents” and reference the expense report Number and mail to:
University of California, Riverside
Cashiers Office
900 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92521
- Submit expense report
For questions regarding this reference guide please contact Angelica Bazan or Carla Urmeneta.